Friday, January 19, 2024

guttural vouce

[1/19, 9:45 AM] Dr. M. Kumaresan MS(ENT): Currently, I am studying with a tongue flattened technique to create the space in the throat and lowering the larynx. I am a tenor and from what I have experienced so far, flattening the tongue has helped me a lot in changing high frequency. Puberphonia boys were unable to speak well until flattening the tongue and sending the jaw slightly back. This has created a pharyngeal voice (guttural voice).
[1/19, 9:47 AM] Dr. M. Kumaresan MS(ENT): speech?
In linguistics, speech sounds that start in the throat, like the consonants k and g, are called guttural consonants, and there are even guttural languages which contain many guttural sounds.

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