Thursday, October 3, 2024

uvular voice

voiceless uvular plosive or stop is a type of consonantal sound, used in some spoken languages. It is pronounced like a voiceless velar plosive [k], except that the tongue makes contact not on the soft palate but on the uvula. Uvula modulates the sound.

Monday, September 30, 2024


Google enumerated the treatment for puberphonia with our method of " uvula manipulation". 
There are a number of ways to correct puberphonia, a voice disorder that can cause a high-pitched voice, including:
Manual larynx adjustment: A lower-pitched voice can be achieved by manually moving the larynx down, which relaxes the vocal folds and makes the voice deeper.
Vocal exercises: These include:
Yawning and sighing: Relaxes the laryngeal muscles
Humming while lowering pitch: Starts at the highest pitch and gradually lowers it
Half swallow boom: Say "boom" after swallowing, then repeat while turning the head and lowering the chin
Glottal fry: Produce the lowest pitch possible
Glottal attack: Forcefully start the voice when producing vowels
Uvula manipulation and resonance: This technique involves practicing uvula resonance with forcible airflow from the diaphragm or stomach
Counseling: This can help identify psychological factors
Education: This can help with good vocal hygiene
Audiovisual feedback: This can use a graphical representation of the voice 
Other treatments include Botox injections and surgery. Hindi +917416347435
Sekar. शेखर
डॉ.एम.कुमारेसन एमएस ईएनटी
शिवा ईएनटी हेड एंड नेक हॉस्पिटल
प्रथम तल, 159, लॉयड्स रोड, रोयापेट्टा, चेन्नई।
विपक्ष: एडीएमके कार्यालय
मोबाइल: +917416347435
प्यूबरफोनिया 5 दिन/- 10 हजार रु. आवास रु. 300/दिन। रविवार की छुट्टी।
बस 21 चेन्नई सेंट्रल एमजीआर रेलवे स्टेशन से अजंता स्टॉप तक
लॉयड रोड में एआईएडीएमके कार्यालय के सामने फोर्थ बिल्डिंग
कार्य के घंटे: सुबह 11:00 बजे से शाम 6:00 बजे तक
- डॉ. एम. कुमारेसन एमएस ईएनटी
English 91 9841055774
Dr.M.Kumaresan MS ENT
Siva ENT Head & Neck Hospital
First Floor, 94, Lloyd's Road, Royapettah, Chennai.
Opp: ADMK Office
Mobile: 98410 55774
No Appointment Required
Puberphonia 5 days ₹10,000/- Accommodation in the hospital Rs.300/day. Food outside the hotel.
Bus 21 From Chennai Central MGR Railway Station to Ajantha Stop
Forth building opp AIADMK Office in Lloyd's Road
Working Hours: 11:00 am to 6:00 pm except Sunday.
- Dr. M. Kumaresan MS ENT

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Kumaresan voice index



Abstract: Puberphonia is a common vocal disorder characterized by the persistence of high vocal pitches after puberty. It is necessary to evaluate the puberphonia patient's voice quality. The emergence of “Puberphonia eradication clinics” in practice at SIVA ENT Hospital, with a treatment of 1400 cases of puberphonia, necessitates the development of standard protocols for the assessment of puberphonia voice disorders. ENT surgeons, speech therapists and otolaryngologists often use GRBASI scale. G-grade, R-roughness, B-breathiness, A-asthenia, S-strain, and I-instability make up GRBASI scale, which is used to evaluate voice quality. A patient's history, physical exam, visual and perceptual evaluations, and self-evaluation of voice were all part of the process. Additionally, the patient and ENT surgeon reached an agreement on the diagnosis and course of treatment. As such, it mainly serves to provide doctors with a means of communicating the seriousness of auditory-perceptual features associated with puberphonia voice problems. Its secondary objective is to assess the need and add to theories on the physiological and anatomical foundations of voice disorders. People who are impacted may face social obstacles that greatly impact their quality of life. The alterations in the voice can only be felt, not measured or recorded, from a clinical perspective. Since this is an objective measurement of the speech change, we need a simple device or instrument to record it. The otorhino laryngologist will conduct a perceptual evaluation, during which the patient or parent will be asked about the impact of puberphonia dysphonia on everyday life.

Key Words

Puberphonia, voice satisfaction, perception of voice, quality of voice, GRBASI, Kumaresan voice index

Cite This Article

"A NEW PUBERPHONIA VOICE INDEX TO ASSESS THE QUALITY OF VOICE TO FULFIL THE PERSONALITY TRAIT", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (, ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.11, Issue 6, page no.i194-i200, June-2024, Available :


2349-5162 | Impact Factor 7.95 Calculate by Google Scholar

Saturday, June 22, 2024

cause of puberphonia voice

Cause of puberphonic voice. Puberty time boys may have continued children's voices. They speak in low voice. Too much nasal resonance makes the voice nasal sounding.
The fear of nasal resonance causes many people to use lower throat resonance. Forced lower throat/ laryngeal resonance causes voice problems, including tired voice, hoarseness, lack of carrying power, and other negatives associated with a wrong voice.
Nasopharyngeal cavity resonance is not only the key to a winning voice, but also voice health and longevity of voice. It provides carrying power, strength, and durability of tone. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Double voice

Our findings in treating various voice disorders. We have treated more than 50 double voice patients. We found one voice is a pharyngeal voice and another is a laryngeal voice.
Existing belief:
Diplophonia/ diphthongia- two sounds of different pitch, cause- quasi - periodic vibration of the vocal cords, but no uniform interpretation of established mechanism. (Quasiperiodic+ almost periodic.)