I Wanted to be out of all cheap controversial debates-- due to my age and clamour for peace of silence -- from the PAPER FLOWER GARDENING --- but cotinuous HONKING -- to purchase a bunch of such flowers -- forced me to open up. I am fully aware of my diffidence in Speach Pathology science -- which is a complex science , where Scientists, Philosophers like NOAM CHOMSKY , our own KYOTO PRIZE ( considered as "Nobel"-- of literary, art, and social science field Medal as precious as FiELD itself in MATHEMATICS ) winner -- Gayatri Speevack Chakravarty ,& Jack Derida the lingual/ phoenetics diconstractinsts parade from Columbia, Harvard etc.-- so my hesitating participation in this hulabaloo would be no Less queer than : making SANDWICHES with Chalk instead of CHEESE.... ULULATING UVULA Is CERTAINLY NOT = to HIGH PITCHED PUBERPHONIA with short VOCAL CHORDS .... ULULATING IS ESSENTIALLY A JUMBLED MASS OF CONSONANTS .... while PUBERPHONIA depends on FALSETTO VOWELS -- linguistically.... ONCE YOU GOT GOLD MEDAL -- FROM THE THEN DIRECTOR OF AIIMS in early '90s of last century -- by reading a paper with Video Picture -- of how you have taken 2 Rabbits -- one responding by turning head to the source of 512 TF sound and other happily chewing Grass without caring to turn head to strange sound source -- signifying it was deaf.... then you showed you -- decapited both the Rabbits and sutures back heads to each others torsos. As per u -- "A" the Normal earlier became deaf -- post operatively and "B" rabbit gained "HEARING" post operatively -- a MAGIC -- even GREAT HOUDINI could not have imagined. I distinctly remember this stunning scenario -- which you accepted "yes"in a post to me -- a few months. back.It was the INAUGARAL SESSION OF " PAEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY of INDIA" -- meet at Devraj Urs Medical College Campus in old Bangalore - Madras road.I was one of FOUNDER LIFE MENBER of that association -- which could not live upto its Puberty Age.Professor Santosh Kacker of AIIMS Who as chairman garlanded you with the MEDAL.....some naughty fellows shouted from back -- SEND HIM TO STOCKHOLM TO FETCH NOBEL PRIZE -- they were whisked out by volunteers.NO BODY GOT NOBEL PRIZE FOR COCHLEAR IMPLANT -- did you put your cards there??!!
Dr.Nirmalaya Majumdar.