"Etiology of puberphonia include emotional stress, delayed development of secondary sexual characters, psychogenic, hero worship of older boy, maternal protection, etc. Puberphonia may also be because of nonfusion of thyroid laminae, in these cases hypogonadism may be the cause and it has to be ruled out".
In my experience of recording the etiology for puberphonia in 1530 cases for the last 20 years, none had these features as etiology. Only non-breaking of voice or continuation of child voice is the only cause for puberphonia.
Dr.M.Kumaresan 9841055774.
In puberphonia, in most cases, the larynx, including vocal cords, are normal. I personally feel no change in the anatomy of the vocal cord is going to treat puberphonia.
Causes of puberphonia
Puberphonia can have both psychological and physiological causes: Psychological causes
Emotional stress
Psychological imbalances
Resistance to pubertal changes
Excessive admiration of another male or sibling
Excessive maternal protection Psychological causes
Delayed development of secondary sex characteristics
Only a high pitched voice is called puberphonia.
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